editors-choice-nov-3rd-091Many successful companies, both national and multi-national, pride themselves on recruiting the best employees, and tag their workforce as being the secret of their success. This set of employees consists of a combination of both experienced and fresh professionals. Two key points in this regard would be the role of employees in the attainment and success of company goals and their own career and personal growth.

Young Vs Experienced Human Resources – An Overview

Starting out as a young professional one is more flexible, eager to work for longer hours and more passionate about coming up with innovative ideas for the company. On the other hand, senior personnel tend to have a great deal of experience; they have explored different phases of their professional life and use their previously learnt experiences to come up with better solutions in different situations.

Many employees with greater experience have a problem with relatively fresh individuals joining their departments because they take this as a threat. The reason is that the fresh graduates show much enthusiasm and eagerness to perform as compared to the employees in their middle ages. Thus, the elderly fellows see a clear potential that these young minds my surpass them and engulf their positions.

Being connected with the developing trends in business and marketing, the fresh recruits bring new ideas to the table. Alternatively experienced workers have better networking in way to develop their career. Moreover, nowadays, companies are using Social Market Strategies in order to be more marketable. Businesses use techniques such as blogging and connecting with customers on sites like Facebook.com and Twitter.com. They are depending on the younger employees to lead the social marketing strategy initiatives; after all, they are more aware of the technology and are more internet-savvy. On the other hand, a great barrier that lies with the experienced employees is that they are relatively difficult to train, and not comfortable with new technology.

5 Suggestions For The Experienced Professionals

Following are the five suggestions for the senior employees (from the age of 29 onwards) that are either hunting or striving to sustain a job:

Trim Your Appearance

Improve your outfit and your outlook; but be careful not to do anything unnatural that makes you uncomfortable with your appearance.

Market Yourself

Although experienced professionals work hard, they do not know how to promote themselves to the world. Work on opportunities to speak at a conference or become quoted in an article that appears on the Internet, or update your biography on your company's website, if you are working at a higher post.

Show Energy And Enthusiasm

You have to keep your energy level up while talking to recruiters and interviewers. During an interview you should be proactive and lively. Experience counts a lot. Many companies staffed with younger employees still want a few gray heads around to call on the large corporate clients and to help the company avoid mistakes.

Demand A Fair Financial Reward

Find an employer who is willing to pay you according to your worth. Play on the fact that you are experienced and you should be remunerated accordingly.

Get Yourself Wired To The New Technologies

Keep yourself socially and technologically up-to-date. Things are changing more rapidly than you could ever imagine. If you want to work in the New Economy, you have to prove you belong there. Being computer proficient and Internet-savvy combined with much experience will make you a perfect choice of the employer.

5 Tips For The Fresh Graduates

Here are five suggestions for the young employees (between the ages of 22 to 28) to help you win at the business world's game:

Develop A Sellable Persona

Think of yourself as an advertiser with the aim of promoting your own self. Learn to benefit from your skills, and briefly state your achievements. Your persona should be professional and decent.

Establish Profitable Relationships

Business networking is a valuable tool to gain career-related information, increase your recognition in your field and make connections that will help you move forward in your career. Make new contacts and set ideals, people who interest you the most.

Master Goal Setting, Effective Communication And Time Management

These skills will serve you well no matter what future path you decide to pursue. Make the most of your time. Work with your boss to set specific, reasonable, and attainable goals for your present position that will help you advance to the next stage.

Stay Motivated

There is no doubt that the business world is quite frustrating; however, remember that you can 'choose' your response to your environment. If you decide to begin each day with a positive attitude, negative conditions at work cannot take that motivation away from you.

Respect Your Seniors

Always respect your senior co-workers no matter how irritating they get. Keep in mind that other people don't care what you want; they rather want to know what's in it for them. If you show them respect and maintain an obedient attitude, they will automatically start cooperating with you. By approaching negotiations with an attitude that allows both parties to win, you'll be ultimately getting what you want.

It is a fact that every organization definitely needs a combination of experienced employees as well as fresh recruits. Hiring fresh or experienced employees depends upon the pre-determined attitude of the employer. Moreover, in every organization there are non-productive  workforce as well as fine and hardworking recruits and this can be applied to young and experienced alike. Well-experienced professionals or fresh employees, both should show the best performance for the sake of their team, their company and their boss. Holding back because one is afraid of working more than others and not be rewarded for it is an immature belief.

Both, experienced and fresh employees, have an equal opportunity to develop their career with their own hard work and commitment towards their job. Salary or other fringe benefits should not be the ultimate goal. In order to acquire success one should concentrate on the performance, ability to cope with his responsibilities, and also the business needs of your company or organization.