Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Google books on Industrial Engineering

Google Books on Industrial Engineering

Efficiency is the focus of industrial engineering. Human work efficiency improvement is a major objective. Simultaneously system efficiency improvement is also the concern of industrial engineers. As a division of labor idea, we can say industrial engineers take as input effective system designs and improve the efficiency of those systems applying industrial engineering principles and methods.

1. Industrial Engineering by M I Khan

http://books.google. co.in/books? id=eqfOEDSmcc8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=industrial+ engineering&sig=foczV_2fMHHyV27 mBA8ym8Gyr6M

2.Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook By Kjell B. Zandin, Harold Bright Maynard

http://books.google. co.in/books? id=ba6Cduv_ ewcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=industrial+ engineering&sig=W5TLI-71WX6_ Jo1Pfs0v8WJdMlM

3. Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and Operations Management By Gavriel Salvendy
http://books.google. co.in/books? id=sjY3IZ9Unv0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=industrial+ engineering&sig=B9umzRFZ8htPC0F uSCh_dc5ksIA

4.Ergonomics in Manufacturing: Raising Productivity Through Workplace Improvement By Waldemar Karwowski, and Gavriel Salvendy
http://books.google. co.in/books? id=UTvILIxCrAoC&pg=PA1&dq=industrial+ engineering&lr=&sig=yhkhAtmWgSNi62O 2u2pwufPacRA

5. The High-Tech Personal Efficiency Program: Organizing Your Electronic Resources to maximize YOur Time and Efficiency By Kerry Gleeson
http://books.google. co.in/books? id=xgoyLpnq_ O4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=efficiency&lr=&sig=ClXb5KV3NXBkcnX pPvg0fcLMQCY

6. The Application of Efficiency Principles: By George H. Shepard By George Hugh Shepard

http://books.google. co.in/books? id=1C01AAAAMAAJ&q=efficiency&dq=efficiency&lr=&pgis=1

7. Fundamental Sources of Efficiency By Fletcher Durell
http://books.google. co.in/books? id=62wcAAAAMAAJ&q=efficiency&dq=efficiency&lr=&pgis=1

8. Increasing Human Efficiency in Business By Walter Dill Scott

http://books.google. co.in/books? id=o94E6dHp0okC&printsec=frontcover&dq=efficiency&lr=&sig=WCVlFeeejRTQzx4 -hhuvOXsSH6g

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