Thursday, September 4, 2008

Safety Stock

Safety Stock

First of all, here's the formula so you don't have to dig through my well-written article for it.

Safety Stock:  {Z*SQRT(Avg. Lead Time*Standard Deviation of Demand^2 + Avg. Demand^2*Standard Deviation of Lead Time^2}
If that wasn't clear to you, I suggest reading on..  This article will explain in detail what safety is used for, and how to use it.
Inventory management is about two things: not running out, and not having too much. Our desire to not run out, along with uncertainties in demand and supplier lead times are why we have inventory in the first place. Essentially, inventory is a reserve system to prevent a stock out. However, as important as it is to prevent such a stock out, we also don't want to hold onto too much inventory because of holding costs. So how do you balance the two and what is the right amount? More importantly, when should you re-order in order to prevent a stock out? The answer to this can be determined by obtaining and applying the following information about the inventory you wish to manage.
Re-order Point (ROP)

1. What is the average lead time for the part/finished good that you need?
2. What is the standard deviation of that lead time? I
t is very important to track how long shipments take from you suppliers. If you are not doing this, start. It should be your top priority. Assuming you have tracked the data, excel can very easily help you determine your standard deviation. In excel, go to the toolbar and click on Insert, then click on Function, and choose STDEV and click ok. Then, enter in as much lead time data you have and presto, you have your standard deviation.
3. What is the expected demand you are working with?
4. What is the standard deviation on this demand? 
Perhaps this is something you will be familiar with from experience, however, if not, this is something you should be able to squeeze out of Ted from the marketing department.  One way to find it is to look at historical demand and use the STDEV function in excel to determine it.
5. How sure do you want to be that you aren't going to run out?
 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%? Whatever you decide, this will become your service level. Using this percentage, a statistical z-table should be used to get the corresponding "z-value." A good z-value webpage can be found at http://www.inventor safety_stock. htm. So, for example, if you want a 98% service level, you would use 2.05 as your z-value.
Ok, so you've gathered this data, now here's what you do with it.
(Underlined section is safety stock)
Re-order point=Average Lead Time*Average Demand + Z*SQRT(Avg. Lead Time*Standard Deviation of Demand^2 + Avg. Demand^2*Standard Deviation of Lead Time^2)
In this formula, the first term (Average Lead Time*Average Demand) is the average demand.
The second term {Z*SQRT(Avg. Lead Time*Standard Deviation of Demand^2 + Avg. Demand^2*Standard Deviation of Lead Time^2} is the term that allows for the safety stock. In other words, the second term is the optimal safety stock level.
It is not simple to gather all the data that is needed for the calculations. For a product with multiple parts, each part needs to have its own re-order point calculations and its own safety stock calculation. This can all become very confusing if proper computer modeling is not employed.
Although I mentioned excel earlier, excel is probably not sufficient for your company's software needs. If you have not already done so, it is very important to look into an integrated software package for these calculations and many others.



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