Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What is Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing involves producing goods by using less resources as compared to what is required in mass production. It requires less work hours, manufacturing space, investment for tools as well as engineering time for producing products. It minimizes the operating costs and at the same time, satisfying the consumer's need for quality at the lowest possible price.

Technically, lean manufacturing is a standard procedure administration viewpoint derived from the (TPS) Toyota Production System, along with some other resources.  

Lean manufacturing is famous for its diminution of the creative Toyota 'seven wastes' to enhance the entire consumer worth. 

Due to the strategic importance on diminution of procedure deviation and Toyota's joint utility with the (TPS), "Lean" is often associated with Six Sigma.. The stabilized growth of Toyota from a small player, to the largest car firm on the globe has directed attention to how this was achieved.  This made "Lean" a sizzling subject in administrative science in the initial decade of the 21st century. 

Evolution and Functions:

Lean manufacturing evolved out of lean proposition, "the cure to waste".  Waste particularly signifies any activity that attracts resources, but generates no value.  Lean manufacturing offers a way to identify value and assemble value-generating actions in the finest order.  

Several organizations in the USA, UK, India, Germany, and Japan have availed enormously, by interpreting their lean proposition into standardized world class lean manufacturing organizations. 

These associations have attained high-quality, high-efficiency, overall consumer satisfaction, appropriate delivery actions, and enterprise superiority with fewer costs.  

Below mentioned are certain advantages of Lean Manufacturing:

- It minimizes the overhead fixed cost to 30%.
- It doubles the sales.
- Profits go up to four times high.
- Cuts the lead time by 50% to 90%.
- Amount of sales per official is ten times high.
- Procedure rows are cut by 70%.
- Annoyance is less on-the-job.

Below mentioned are some working ethics of Lean Manufacturing:

- Additional, quicker, and in advance over-production.
- A minimum of one-piece stock flow.
- Non-zero defect percentages.
- Over-dispensation.
- Aptitudes and inspirations of people.
- Actions & conveyance.

Methods and Gears of Lean Manufacturing:

- Price Plotting.
- One-Piece Surge.
- Single Minute Exchange Dies (SMED).
- Visual Administration.
- Line Modification.
- Complete Creative Continuation.
- Synchronous Manufacturing.
- 4S (Sustain, Separate, Standardize, and Simplify).
- Jidoka and Error Verification (Pola Yoke).
- Stock Management through Card System (KanBan).

A firm can attain Lean Manufacturing technique by following the below mentioned guidelines:

- Through evaluating the ongoing procedure.
- With comprehending the consumer's wish and upcoming market trends.
- Stock ups and guidance by Sr. executive.
- With the application of Lean with dealers..
- Application of Lean into off-line and non-manufacturing regions such as Marketing, Engineering, and Design.
- Application of Lean away from the source providing chain businesses, enthralling consumers.
- By broadening the Lean applications to all the secondary areas, until a complete incorporated manufacturing procedure is attained.
- Application of Lean gears and methods at the most vital procedures.
- By developing intense information about the manufacturing procedure.

Other Advantages:

Prime advantage viewed by many professionals applying lean manufacturing methods and its principles is the diminution of manufacturing time.  Hence, Lean Manufacturing assists firms to preserve, control and importantly boost their incomes, broaden their scopes and produce investments from lower costs.

Lean Manufacturing apparently and effectually flaunts its advantage on all the space difficulties faced by most of the manufacturing companies. It is unspoken, but is really a crucial aspect from the company's development point of view. 

It is also evidenced by human resource and labor estimates that, embracing on fine and efficient lean manufacturing techniques and principles perhaps assists firms to minimize their substantial working floor space requirement from 5% to 30%.  

The number of profit would appear a bit miniscule to your eyes, but it will truly and importantly proffer more efficacy and savings in your manufacturing philosophy. 
Research has proved that firms applying and following rigorous lean manufacturing principles appreciably hoist their manufacturing productivity by 75% to 125%.. Since, time and exertions are predominantly focused in lean manufacturing procedures.   

Hence, eradication of wastes and needless objects from the working space, undoubtedly and virtually aids the workers to get on their jobs with a soft and speeding comfort.  Productivity is automatically maximized, as workers are no longer disturbed with any intrusions and disruptions. Thereby, lean manufacturing from the productivity view is also important practice to achieve the set productivity target..    

The ultimate thing is that, when consumer satisfaction is attained, definitely sales will go up. Enhancement of services and manufactured products is the finest way to institute a good rapport with the consumers. For this, lean manufacturing greatly assists to attain a fine consumer rapport. 

Modernization, lean configuration of the organization and rationalization are certain other advantages achieved by firms worldwide, by implementing lean manufacturing principles and its functions. 

Lean manufacturing adheres to standardized cultures, thereby minimizing those adverse actions and outcomes on both the person and the administration if not eradicated. 

Supreme advantage of lean manufacturing with regards to cultures accepted by firms is that it flaunts the variations among the administration and employees. The working principles of Lean Manufacturing have to be surely applied by the manufacturing firms, as it is the peak time to garner its advantageous packages.

Although, there are many advantages of lean manufacturing, its disadvantages cannot be ignored. It basically relates to the severe implementation of this technique to supply chains lacking quickness can result into shortages in production.



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