Thursday, May 22, 2008

Monday Motivation - Don’t Be Afraid To Fail

 by Jeremy Enke
I have written on this topic before, however I feel it is very important so I will publish another post on this. Everyone knows that in order to be successful long term, you are going to have to take some risks and experience some failures along the way.
Every entrepreneur or millionaire I know can probably count on one hand the ultimate successes that got them to where they're at. Yet each could probably fill a book with the stories on their failures. When I look back over the past 10 years of my professional life, I have to shake my head at some of the decisions I've made. I have failed at so many projects, sites, and ventures it is almost comical. The good news however is that the ones that worked out have put me exactly where I want to be in life.
I have a great home, a career that I always dreamed of, and most importantly a great family at the age of 31. The times I have failed or lost a ton of money in various endeavors sucks, I am not going to lie about that. The thing is though that I was able to put these failures behind me and keep moving forward to achieve my goals.
What I see far to often happen when people fail is that they give up. People get discouraged and just go back to their comfort zones. One of the other most important attributes you see in successful people is perseverance. It's not that "failure is not an option" for these people, it's that they NEVER GIVE UP when faced with failure.
So no matter what mistakes you have made, or what failures you have encountered, there are 3 things you need to do:
1. Accept the failure
2. Learn from the failure
3. Stay Positive and move on with your life's goals.
The beauty about being an entrepreneur is that you get as many chances as you want to try new things in your path to success. The unfortunate thing however is when you look at the big picture, in life you only get one chance to "make it happen". So stop procrastinating or feeling sorry for yourself about past failures. Right now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and take some risks. And always remember, there truly are a million ways to make a million dollars, you only have to find one. Make it a great week!

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