Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Reality of Office Politics

Tips for How to Survive an Office Minefield

The good, the bad and the ugly is present in virtually all companies. Office politics, however, can work in your favour. This article looks at how to play the game.

The Greek philosopher Plato said many, many years ago, "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." Unfortunately it's just as true today as it was in Greece two thousand years ago. If you are one of the millions of people who work in a cubicle within innumerable office complexes across the U.S. and the world, sooner or later you'll find yourself caught in a power play of some kind whether you want to participate in it or not. If there are people, there will be politics, period. Here are some helpful tips about how to handle these tricky situations, and what to do if things take a turn for the worse.

Be Prepared to Play Rather than Sit on the Sidelines

Let's face it, sometimes people fight dirty and are not easy to get along with. When it comes to promotions for example, the atmosphere in any office can become tense and decidedly uncomfortable. One of your closest friends might become your worst enemy when the prospect of advancement comes up. If you refuse to get involved in office politics you might unwittingly make yourself a target for the next bully to come through the door. Learn to stand up for yourself and be prepared for a showdown at any time.

Do an Exemplary Job

No matter how big or small the job might be, throw yourself into your work with dedication and enthusiasm. At some point in your career you're going to have to deal with somebody who will try to give you a hard time, and the reason is undoubtedly because they want to disguise their own inadequacies by lashing out at others. It's tremendously draining to face these individuals every day. The best defense is a good offense, so to that end make sure your colleagues are aware of your good work.. When trouble arises, they will probably be there to back you up. If in doubt about this, remember this quote from Fabricius, the Renaissance era Italian zoologist, "Death comes to all, but great achievements raise monuments which shall endure until the sun grows cold."

Be the Voice of Reason

It can be extremely hard to respond to an annoying co-worker calmly. Never scream or shout, if you do it will be interpreted by the office malcontent you are susceptible to intimidation and he/she will intensify their efforts. Similarly, you can try to get in the middle of an office feud and negotiate a truce and be a fire extinguisher of sorts. If you can learn to approach these situations diplomatically, it's far less likely somebody will make you a target in the future.

Things You Shouldn't Say at Work

1. "That's not my job."
This can be the kiss of death for you in any company. If you want to show you are a team player and a problem solver, promptly erase this remark from your office vocabulary.
2. "To be honest with you......"
What does this mean, really? Honesty is irrelevant in office politics because people will often just say what they want to communicate, and they would expect the same from you.
3. "I didn't have time to finish that."
In the mind of your boss what it boils down to is this, you are unreliable and you don't take your job seriously.
4. "Do it, or else."
Most people don't appreciate being threatened. Your list of office friends will be shorter and you'll also have a reputation for being difficult.
Additionally, if any or all of the above statements are directed at you, document them. Put a name to a face and inform your supervisor. It would be even better if others can hear them for added corroboration.

When Things Become Ugly

Form an alliance with a more experienced colleague who can advise how to handle the more intense effects of office politics. Remember, you should be prepared to defend yourself at any time. If you go to a supervisor to compain about a co-worker, be sure to suggest some possible solutions to the problem. After all, the boss will want to hear both sides of the story.

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